Request for proposal - automatic log slitter for adhesive tapes
With reference to the project to be implemented in the framework of the Regional Operational Programme of Silesia in 2014-2020 co-financed by European Regional Development Fund, we kindly invite you to submit an offer for the automatic log slitter for adhesive tapes. .
Please find attached a request for proposal to download here.
04.12.2017 - Important Notification - Correct of the typing error in Request 17.11.2017
Due to a typing error the following entries of the requests of proposal concerning the automatic log slitter for adhesive tapes and automatic_die-cutting_machine:
The Contracting Authority allows the possibility of the contract’s duration in the case of the objective conditions
shall change to:
The Contracting Authority allows the possibility of the change of the contract’s duration in the case of the objective conditions
The change does not affect the deadline set for the submission of the offers
Please download the corrected request here.
To whom it may concerns
We are happy to inform you with reference to the request for proposal concerning a automativ log slitter for adhesive tapes project to be implemented in the framework of the Regional Operational Programme of Silesia in 2014-2020 co-financed by European Regional Development Fund), one offer has been received - from Converting Machinery Cevenini Srl.
The offer has been chosen.
With reference to the project to be implemented in the framework of the Regional Operational Programme of Silesia in 2014-2020 co-financed by European Regional Development Fund, we kindly invite you to submit an offer for the automatic die-cutting machine.
Please find attached a request for proposal to download here.
04.12.2017 - Important Notification - Correct of the typing error in Request 17.11.2017
Due to a typing error the following entries of the requests of proposal concerning the automatic log slitter for adhesive tapes and automatic_die-cutting_machine:
The Contracting Authority allows the possibility of the contract’s duration in the case of the objective conditions
shall change to:
The Contracting Authority allows the possibility of the change of the contract’s duration in the case of the objective conditions
The change does not affect the deadline set for the submission of the offers
Please download the corrected request here.
To whom it may concerns
We are happy to inform you with reference to the request for proposal concerning automatic die cutting machine project to be implemented in the framework of the Regional Operational Programme of Silesia in 2014-2020 co-financed by European Regional Development Fund), one offer has been received - from GUIDOLIN GIROTTO Srl.
The offer has been chosen.
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